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Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Busy busy busy!... (*^~^*)

Hey there everybody!!

It's been a while since I've written! Real life has been taking over my virtual life by throwing piles and piles of work my way *^^* Hehehe. 

I came back from Easter/Spring break and arrived at my office to be welcomed by an Inbox Tray about a meter high *giggles* not to mentioned I had work all the way through my 'break' (PhD Students can be seen as freelancers - we don't have official term times and tend to work throughout the year, taking breaks whenever we feel like it, or in some cases, when we have a spare day or two from projects *^^*). Hence, I've not had time to update blog any substantial posts or continue my Piano Princess fiction series; however, I've already finished my first draft of a new chapter!!! So stay tuned!!

Funny I found this picture (above) as I really AM reading about Quantum Theory by Heisenberg (*0*)
Why? Well, no I'm not a scientist but as part of my PhD course I have to study research philosophy; that is to say, more specifically areas of ontology, epistemology, theoretical perspective, methodology and methods. And Heisenberg was one who initiated something called Post-Positivism in epistemological terms. *^^* Haha I'll stop right there, but yeah, I've been diving into those heavy, dense topics (>.<;)

My office and sometimes my room would look like this....

Well, more often than not xD Hahaha. I do actually live in my room quite a bit. My office has a kettle and a decent collection of food, cup noodles, and various daily needs *^^*

My office or bedroom usually looks as cluttered or messy as that only during mid/end of the 'cycle'; the cycle of projects or the duration of a certain piece of work. So once that piece of work is finished... my room is all cleaned up and sparkling *^0^* and it's the start of a new cycle (when I'm waiting on or starting a new project and it's all going well....) and the entire thing repeats when things get stressy during mid-cycle and the rush to submit manuscripts at the end of the cycle xD

Hahahahaha. That's the life of a working girl or PhD student. Even though I don't see daylight as much as I'd like, I really enjoy my work. I don't like studying at all - can't say I hate it, since that's a strong word, but I feel like sometimes there's only so much you can get from books (which is in fact true!). But as a seeker of knowledge and a person of high curiosity I try to make the best of everything that's offered to me *^^* and that keeps me going. Whatever I'm doing, be it studying, working, playing, partying, chilling... I always try to make the most of it *^^* and see things from the positive side.

Doing a PhD is tough. Especially if it's not your first rank passion (like Music is for me). But I know that whatever I learn now, will be of some use to me one day, somehow. I've been through hardships in the past, and this course is like a walk in the park for me - in terms of emotional rollercoasters xD. So I'm grateful that all my supervisors are wonderful people. I mean, at the end of the day, at least I'm not getting seriously sick from overwork like I've experienced before, nor am I being slated, grilled and burned every second. I get to breathe *^^* That's what I think. So no matter how difficult this is... I'm trekking onwards with a smile *^^*

I think it's important to look on the bright side, it keeps you going. I'm not an optimist - I'm a Cancerian after all, so I'm very sensitive to emotions and can be a big worrier! But I know that there's no such thing as a 'free lunch' in this world. No pain no gain, as some say. So I force my tolerance to build stronger.

Another thing about me is that I'm competitive. Not competitive in the sense I like competing against poeple out of arrogance or just for the sake of it. I think "if they can achieve that by doing their best, I want to do my best and see how far I can go too!"

I'm not satisfied if I 'win' over someone if I know I didn't put my all in it. I actually would hate myself for it. "You won, but you didn't put your all in it... that means you didn't put your heart in it." That's what I'd think. 
Yes I'm competitive: my competitor I want to ultimately beat, is myself.

Even if I lost to someone in a competition but in the process I've put my all in it, I'd feel like I've won already.. especially if I 'broke my own record' in something (learnt something new, felt improvement, new experience etc... ). So it doesn't matter if I lost or won in the end... I've done the best I can *^^*

So with this attitude I'm giving my PhD a good stab, so to speak xD 
Which means I probably won't be posting anything amazing but I'll definitely try to when I get a few moments spare! (*^^*)

Stay tuned and watch this space!!

Keep sending in those awesome comments too! 


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