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歡迎光臨! Hello! Welcome to My Blog!

Please spend time browsing through my memoires, photos, stories and more!
Updates are made throughout the day and daily! Comments and requests are welcome!

Thank you for visiting!

Saturday 30 July 2011

Jung Yonghwa as Lee Shin singing LUCKY (by Jason Mraz)

A cut scene from "Heartstrings"

Lacoste Driving Shoes/Loafers [Hong Kong Magazine] 夏日炎炎助長「懶」風 [2011-07-13 更新]

  • Lacoste Loafer Shoes 打造玩味休閒男
  • 夏日炎炎,助長「懶」風。Lacoste男裝CONCOURS 3系列以經典Loafer無綁帶款式為藍本,復刻的車邊設計配上陣陣高雅「皮」氣,並特意於鞋底加上防滑彈力軟膠,增加走路時的舒適感,無比貼心。在色調上,更配備罕有的彩藍及墨綠兩色,加上型格的修長鞋頭剪裁,強化足部線條,感覺酷氣十足!
  • 而LYNDON SLIP UC系列,則慵懶有餘,玩味超標。黑、白、藍三色鞋面基調,夥拍破格的鮮色鞋底,打破沉悶非黑即白的男服造型,更添夏日繽紛新色彩!其密集式網狀氣孔設計,讓足部透氣無比,配上當季大熱的摺腳或窄腳長褲,輕裝出動而不失趣味,塑造出屬於weekends的率性休閒風格!
  • Lacoste Chukka & Canvas Shoes 型格品味女
  • 誰說Chukka Boot是男「鞋」專利?Lacoste PHILIBERTI系列打破鞋款一貫冷色路線,大玩女裝型格品味,同時散發絲絲「甜」美。不限季節性的麂皮鞋款備有紅、藍、綠等五色選擇,其Candy糖果系的紛色設定絕對令女士們愛不釋手。另外,其鞋身線條修長,配合輕巧薄身的白色鞋低,能在瞬間配襯出多個Vintage造型,散發盛夏復古格調!
  • 另外,作為Canvas Shoes的代表之一,Lacoste BATEAU MID系列繼續致力跳出固有框框。當季的mid cut反領帆布鞋系列共有藍、黑等四色選擇,其內外不同的雙色設計,營造出強烈對比,搶眼之餘亦不落俗套,盡顯Chic味!

Friday 29 July 2011

Real Friends - How many do YOU have?

Real Friend

A simple friend, when visiting, acts like a guest. 
A real friend opens your refrigerator and helps himself 
(and doesn't feel even the least bit weird shutting your 
Coke/Pepsi drawer with his foot!)

A simple friend has never seen you cry. 
A real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.

A simple friend doesn't know your parents' first names. 
A real friend has their phone numbers in his address book.

A simple friend brings a bottle of wine to your party. 
A real friend comes early to help you cook and stays late to help you clean.

A simple friend hates it when you call after they've gone to bed. 
A real friend asks you why you took so long to call.

REEBOK Seven Deadly Sins 七色七宗罪 [Hong Kong Magazine]

「饕餮」(Gluttony)、「貪婪」(Greed)、「懶惰」(Sloth)、「淫慾」(Lust)、 「傲慢」(Pride)、「嫉妒」(Envy) 和「暴怒」(Wrath).
  • Reebok 的七宗罪系列不單採用了Pump Omni Lite這個經典鞋款,在用色方面更予人莫大驚喜 ,七款不同亮麗色調 --- 標誌「饕餮」的橙、「貪婪」的黃、「懶惰」的粉藍、「淫慾」的藍、「傲慢」的紫、「嫉妒」 的綠和「暴怒」的紅非常搶眼,這個特別版系列更加入了貼題的細節及元素,包括記載了「罪名」的鞋帶金屬牌及鞋墊,極具心思。
  • 球鞋的鞋舌位置配以同色Pump氣墊,能讓用家調節個人舒適度,加上Reebok特有的Hexalite技術,鞋底注入了獨有的Hexalite蜂巢緩震技術,加強了雙腳的承托力及保護性,令用家穿得更舒適。 各$899

Thursday 28 July 2011

DJ Yuki Weekly [2011.07.30] f(x) HOT SUMMER

Beauty Trends [Hong Kong ELLE] Heroine Make Mascara 「睫毛控」必試:日本No.1 人氣睫毛液 [2011-07-27 更新]

Heroine Make 特強豐盈纖長睫毛液 ($98)Heroine Make 特強豐盈纖長睫毛液 ($98)
  • 如果你也是「睫毛控」,那麼你必定會對Heroine Make 特強豐盈纖長睫毛液感興趣。來自日本的Heroine Make 睫毛液系列一向備受推崇,於2009及2010連續2年榮獲日本@COSME睫毛液部門的最佳化妝品大賞第一位,深受日本女生歡迎。
  • Heroine Make特強豐盈纖長睫毛液特別為喜歡Kawaii大眼妝及配戴假睫毛的女生而設計,產品的豐盈效果超卓,只要輕輕一掃即可塑造媲美戴上假睫毛的神奇效果。
  • 此外,這睫毛液更配備精心設計的三用刷頭,以三個層次:提拉、梳刷、修飾,有效多角度無限拉長睫毛;而產品嶄新的亮黑色,更可令睫毛更為烏黑亮麗,一次過做到持久的捲曲濃密美睫。
  • 銷售點︰各大美容產品零售店

My "I ♥ Converse All Stars"

I have a pair of these which I bought from Hong Kong. They are one of my favourite and most     worn pair of converses! (*^-^*)

CONVERSE(RED)自推出以來受市場好評,不僅因為其高品質的設計,更主要的是這個系列所傳達的公益精神。在眾多的聯名產品之後,於情人節期間就以”LOVE”為題材推出4款”I Love Blank” 帆布Chuck Taylor All Star款式,就讓穿者在帆布鞋面Blank位填寫其至愛的名字,透過潮著表達心中所愛,同時又可做善事,一舉兩得。所有(RED) 商品均將所得利潤的其中10%捐贈給The Global Fund支持對抗非洲愛滋病的經費。 $479-$499

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Almost done... My Hiatus is nearly ending!


Hey Everyone!!

How have you all been? It'd be nice to hear from you via comments and messages so I know how everyone is and if you have any suggestions!

I'm almost finished doing my dissertation, my final paper for this MSc degree, so I will back writing lots and updating more very soon! Lately it's been extremely busy, and I've rarely had time pick up my music properly, except for my guitar. My piano is getting jealous, I'm sure of it! I can play Jung Yonghwa's Banmal Song on guitar now (*^^*)

Working and studying has been a tough but a great journey. Though I'm still managing to find time to strum my guitar, and go out to enjoy delicious gourmet foods. I will be posting lots of photos of my finds during shopping and eating at various places, so keep on look out! You've probably already noticed my beauty recommendations and a few of my shopping and fashion trend entries... there will be more!

Beauty Trends [Hong Kong ELLE] Aveda Tinted Moisturiser 淡妝必備:還是覺得Tinted Moisturizer 最好 [2011-05-27 更新]

透薄防曬潤膚乳 SPF 15  ($350)透薄防曬潤膚乳 SPF 15 ($350)
在 BB cream 還未如此盛行前,Tinted Moisturizer (有色潤膚霜)是與它最近似的產品,但自美容界刮起一陣韓風後,大概已沒有多少人仍記得Tinted Moisturizer 的好。

  • 最近,筆者喜見Tinted Moisturizer 大有回歸之勢,像Aveda 今季就推出了全新的透薄防曬潤膚乳 SPF 15,這 Tinted Moisturizer 蘊含提煉自天然礦物的防曬因子,且不含油分,可持久地保持肌膚清爽不油膩,再加上產品不會堵塞毛孔,大大減少誘發暗瘡的機會。
  • 另一方面,這透薄防曬潤膚乳具補濕及防曬功能於一身,只需簡單一個步驟,即可保護及修正皮膚,讓膚色更亮澤剔透,產品中的雲母成分,可透過折射光線的原理減低幼紋及毛孔的明顯度,從而改善膚色不均的問題。

Vivian Chow 周慧敏 for Dairizi Wedding Photoshoot

Tuesday 26 July 2011

New Special Edition of the Hermès Kelly Bag "Kelly Picnic" S/S 2011 Collectioin

This season a new Special Edition of the Hermès Kelly bag emerges for the S/S 2011 Collection
Let me introduce you to the "Kelly Picnic"
in wicker and Barenia calfskin

Beauty Trends [Hong Kong ELLE] Garnier BB Cream 美妝新發現!「碌」出來的BB Cream [2011-06-03 更新]

礦物BB亮眼筆  ($129)礦物BB亮眼筆 ($129)
  • 淨白礦物BB 霜 ($99)淨白礦物BB 霜 ($99)
是的,你沒有看錯,這支BB cream,是可以「碌」的!這裡說的,是GARNIE全新推出的礦物BB亮眼筆。

  • 這礦物BB亮眼筆以滾動走珠設計, 走珠沿著眼肌紋理滾動,可釋放天然的亮眼精華,幫助刺激眼周的血液循環,趕走惱人的黑眼圈;再加上產品貼近自然膚色的礦物精華液,有效締造新生BB肌膚,一次過實現修護和遮瑕兩個願望。
  • 另一方面,同系列的GARNIER淨白礦物BB 霜也是值得留意的美妝產品,它的 質地輕薄 ,而且容易推開, 塗上後可締造自然的遮瑕效果,同時其SPF 26/PA+++ 防曬系數可有效阻隔UVA和UVB,為肌膚帶來周全的保護。

Monday 25 July 2011

Alice Nine Silver Accessories Vol. 11

More photos below. For more photos of Saga's Jewellery CLICK HERE

Beauty Trends [Hong Kong ELLE] Haute Couture 時裝週化妝潮流: Dior 的珠片誘惑 [2011-07-13 更新]

Sunday 24 July 2011

Beauty Trends [Hong Kong Cosmopolitan] Nail Art 夏日美甲潮流示範 [2011-05-09 更新]

豹紋圖案像是永不過時,點綴少量的閃石,既令甲面變得立體,亦見時尚感。(nail art creation by Nailone)豹紋圖案像是永不過時,點綴少量的閃石,既令甲面變得立體,亦見時尚感。(nail art creation by Nailone)
  • SHISEIDO MAQuillAGE Glossy Nail Color($90)SHISEIDO MAQuillAGE Glossy Nail Color($90)
  • Chanel Le Vernis #577 Mimosa($180)Chanel Le Vernis #577 Mimosa($180)
  • 時下流行的假甲片圖案非常搶眼,諸如豹紋或蕾絲等,想型格或女性化,任你選擇。(from Nailone)時下流行的假甲片圖案非常搶眼,諸如豹紋或蕾絲等,想型格或女性化,任你選擇。(from Nailone)
  • nail stickers 圖案款式多元化,配合輔助工具,令甲飾更貼服。nail stickers 圖案款式多元化,配合輔助工具,令甲飾更貼服。
nailing it
  • 夏妝,怎能不提美甲這重要部分。你可以利用喜愛的指甲油顏色、閃石或裝飾貼紙,自製出屬於表現自我個性的形象。以下由Nailone專業美甲師Mei Kong給我們一些美甲小提示:
  • metallic & juicy
  • 金屬色是今夏大熱之選,不論是金色或銀色的甲油都好,光滑質感加上閃爍效果,充滿着cyber味道,成為不少女士們的至愛。當然,可以拼貼一些簡潔的圖案貼紙,都能展現出個性的一面。其次,流行一些七彩糖果色甲油,如 shocking pink或檸檬黃,都是如此充滿玩味,加進一些閃石或繪花圖案,為你的造型增添夏日色彩。
  • trend pattern
  • 豹紋圖案一直是流行的款式,受歡迎程度有增無減,它可讓你的纖纖十指,變得非常搶眼。此外,幾何、水果或是花卉等繪花圖案,都是不錯選擇。做法是先掃一層鮮豓的甲油作底色,然後再以時款的圖案裝點,就可表現出日本street fashion的感覺。
  • look cool
  • 時下流行裂紋圖案的甲油,其中如黑色甲油色系,突顯冷酷形象。
  • nail stickers
  • 指甲專用貼紙,圖案花款多多,你可自行裝貼突顯個人風格。不少女孩子均喜歡蕾絲圖案貼紙,原因是它可與其他圖案mix & match,同時又夠fancy,可謂花枝招展。若想自行張貼的話,注意要待甲油透後,然後再進行裝貼貼紙,並且可利用小木棒作輔助工具,令表面更順滑貼服,最後別忘塗多一層厚身的甲油作coating,便大功告成。
  • rock with it
  • 近期推出的爆裂圖案甲油,色系選擇多元化,且非常玩味。想特別一點,可先用閃粉色甲油打底,然後再上一層爆裂紋的甲油,大玩撞色的效果,令到裂紋部分的顏色更搶眼,是值得一試的美甲小點子。
  • nail care tips
  • 想指甲健康和夠強韌,便得注意平日的護理。以下是一些護甲小貼士:想促進指甲健康,保持光澤度,就要使用保護油。如 essay apricot cuticle oil($125/10 perfect nails),可作按摩油使用,能軟化甲邊皮膚和促進指甲及周邊皮膚健康生長。想修補難看的指甲坑紋,可使用 essie fill the gap! ridge smoothing base coat($150/10 perfect nails),含絲質纖維及天然雲母,可遮蓋面層難看的深坑紋,定期使用營養修護液,可防止指甲崩裂。另外, Cuccio Forte Horsetail Nail Strengthener($135/10 perfect nails),純天然草本馬尾草能提高指甲彈性,防止指甲崩裂,另含其他活性草本成分,亦可有效在甲面形成保護層,使指甲持久潤澤。

DJ Yuki Recommends this week [2011.07.24]: Lupin by KARA

DJ Yuki Recommends this week [2011.07.24]
Lupin by KARA

A dark and powerful Kpop number this week... Lupin by KARA

"...this is mine... ♪♫"

Friday 22 July 2011

Jeremy Scott x Adidas ObyO JS Bear | Light Brown

I have a pair of these... (*^-^*) Love them so much. Cute enough to cuddle!

1618 0 adidas ObyO JS Bear x Jeremy Scott | Light Brown / Dark Brown
Images and strong opinions about Jeremy Scott's adidas ObyO JS Bear have been making the rounds for months sparked by trade show and editorial pictures. The sneakers are part of Jeremy Scott's adidas spring 2011 ObyO collection. The JS Bear is a take on the adidas Altitude Hi dressed in furry plush inspired by Teddy Bears in a brown colorway. Added to the plush build is a bear head on the tongue and arms on the collar, making these unmistakably Scott. 
More photos below.

Thursday 21 July 2011

Jeremy Scott x Adidas ObyO JS Panda Bear | Fall 2011

274452011614145431607100 L adidas ObyO JS Panda Bear x Jeremy Scott | Fall 2011
For his spring adidas ObyO collection, Jeremy Scott flipped the Altitude Hi with a plush teddy bear look in both brown and pink. For his fall collection, Scott again dons the the plush look though this time in black and white Panda style. These are expected to release on the 1st of August at shops that stock adidas ObyO.
More photos below.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Jeremy Scott x Adidas Originals S/S 2012

Take a look at some of the up coming shoes in the Jeremy Scott x Adidas Originals Spring/Summer 2012 collection. There is a USA stars and strips inspired wings 2.0, a denim upper JS wings, another take on the over sized tongue. And new furry sneakers: a Gorilla and a Leopard with a tail, also available for children too!

MG 1948 adidas Originals x Jeremy Scott S/S 2012

MG 1951 adidas Originals x Jeremy Scott S/S 2012
MG 1950 adidas Originals x Jeremy Scott S/S 2012
MG 1949 adidas Originals x Jeremy Scott S/S 2012

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Wonder Boy by After School ([Blue] Division)

After School has divided into 2 sub-divisions [Red] and [Blue]. Here's Wonder Boy by After School Blue, consisting of Raina, Lizzy, E- Young and Ju Yeon.

100 Questions! Meme

A stupid Meme full of 100 stupid questions..... (_ _;)

01. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
002. Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?
Some of my jeans have them - usually frayed or thinned out patches. Tears and holes in fashion jeans...
003. What are you dreading right now?
University work
004. Do you celebrate 4/20?
April the 20th?..what's that?
005. Favorite country singer?
Erm loads...
006. What face cleanser do you use?:
007. When was your last doctors visit?:
Last month
008. Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep?:
009. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?:
Depends. 10-30mins?
010. "First Loves Are Never Over" is this true for you?:
No way.
011. Think of all your exes. Would you take any of them back?:
No way.
012. If anyone came over to your house on one of your "lazy days" would you go get ready real quick?:
Depends how awful I looked and who it was.. but usually I might just have a quick look in the mirror..
013. Does your school have tornado drills?
No lol
014. Have you ever been on your schools track team?:
015. Do you own a pair of Converse?:
I have several.. about 10?...

Hello! Kitty x Reebok PT-20 INT Plush Kitty Pack [Oct 2010]

Hello! Kitty x Reebok PT-20 INT Plush Kitty Pack

OCTOBER 31, 2010
Reebok PT 20 INT Plush Hello Kitty all Hello! Kitty x Reebok PT 20 INT Plush Kitty Pack

The Japanese animated character Hello! Kitty has graced everything from t-shirts to jumbo jets and now she is represented on three pairs of the Reebok PT-20 INT. The kicks uppers are built in a Plush material known as the material of choice for stuffed animals and Jeremy Scott. The kicks come in three colorways, pink, black and white adorned with bows and translucent soles that reveal Hello! Kitty designs. Find them now in Tokyo at atmos.

Goguma Beauty Recommendations: Make Up Remover

Having a good make up remover is essential, especially for the delicate eye area. By removing make up first, you will be able to clean your face better and refresh your skin from daily debris, make up residue, sweat and so on...

Here is a collection of some of my recommended Make Up Removers and Eye Make Up Removers.

Monday 18 July 2011

Reebok Freestyle Bunny Pack for Chinese New Year [Jan 2011]

Reebok Freestyle | Bunny Pack

JANUARY 31, 2011
reebok2k Reebok Freestyle | Bunny Pack

Reebok has just crafted a collection of its Freestyle model in a style made for the Chinese Lunar New Year, the Year of the Rabbit, though the collection fits well with Valentine's Day and Easter.