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Saturday, 4 June 2011

A New, Ultimate Bias? - undisclosed.

Biases, Idols, Oppas, Samas....

I personally believe that they represent who you are as a person and your own unique preferences for your ideal lover. Consequently, I pick my idols carefully, critiquing and rating them against my ideals and their achievements, comparing them against each other.

I think I've found an ultimate bias... and it's making me nervous yet excited... you know that feeling?

Saga was my first true bias, I fell for his musicianship and his creativity. I suspect he has synesthesia, which I have too (in a mild form I think). Just something about him and his music I just seem to instinctively and intuitively understand and feel in the same way, and then when he confirms it in an interview publication or  album release comment I get really shocked. Coincidence? Or do I really know? Perhaps it's a musician thing?

As a guy he's handsome, quirky, he can be mature but he's dorky most the time. I like how he's direct albeit airheaded, but he's honest and says what he thinks even if it causes controversy at times. However... it can cause some cringing squirmy moments, no? It's embarrassing, surely.

Key, my second bias I've had. Again, honesty and directness applies, qualities that I look for. An inspiring and admirable dancer and highly creative unique individual. Observant and fast learner with an unmatchable confidence and determination to master everything he does. Languages are also a forte. All in all, a highly smart guy who's a lot more mature than he looks.

Both of them are highly fashionable and has a dress sense/style that I look for, both very family orientated and caring... but something is still amiss...

Saga is 6 yrs older than me and although I know he can be very serious and admirably sensitive, he's also very entertaining, carefree and quirky. But sometimes the embarrassing moments of his shamelessness is perhaps a bit too cringing, although VERY hilarious.

Key, all in all a perfect person: his morals, attitude, his abilities and qualities... but really, he's so young.. although I love his baby face.

So... Saga, the perfect epitome of a musician; Key the perfect epitome of a person.


I think I've found the ultimate, perfect epitome of a man.
He's fairly new to me despite having noticed him for a long time, partly because I keep denying it and try to find critical points and I refused to look him up more on the internet.
However, he's a B type, plays guitar, bass and piano and dances in addition to his acting and singing; so that fits criteria Saga and Key otherwise had filled. He's not as old as Saga but not younger than me, he's two years older. He is mature yet has the bright baby smile I look for desperately in people. Slim yet toned stature and great fashion sense. So aesthetically, and intellectually he's ticked all the boxes.

I'm still denying this new bias who has topped my Saga sama and Key oppa. So until my guilt fades and I am thoroughly convinced, he will not be disclosed.

A new bias who reflects who I am and the kind of person I'm attracted to, the ideal type.


So am I.

NB. For some unexplainable reason or sheer coincidence, all my biases or idols I've found attractive had been (at least 4 of these categories): 

Bloodtype B or AB, Cancerian, Musician, between 177-180cm, small eyes (not tiny but not large eyed) and a very youthful bright baby smile.

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