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Friday, 2 March 2012

My Alice Nine 「9」Album Arrived!

遂に、the album arrived today (*^^*) 本当に良かったですよね〜  I was so happy and yet indescribably nervous opening it. Although deep down I was confident in that good things will happen if you kept believing and trusting; so I in a way, I trusted whoever was on the CD cover was going to be good looking and someone I liked. *giggles* Anyways, the music mattered to me most. After all, Hiroto on the CD label never stopped me from loving GEMINI over and over.
I squealed like a true Oriental girl *giggles*, my parents were like "What's the excitement?!" since I really don't squeal over things usually o(*^0^*)o Haha.

As a true musician and music reviewer should, I immediately started listening to it and rating the songs. I will give it a THOROUGH review and critique in due course when I have time to write up all my thoughts and my personal professional opinions on it. This is of course a subjective view with my professional musicianship as a basis for the critique, however it will be as objective as possible without anything to do with my biases towards members.

However I should mention now, that I did go straight to "Hello, World" since there was a massive commotion over it (due to Saga's recitative of course). But I was very glad and proud to say that what caught me first was the music, the funk and ragged guitars plus rhythm section. Of course Saga's voice was sensual and ultimately the main feature, but I'm glad to say that my ears were actually torn between his soft yet articulate voice and the funk in the background. I just wanted MORE,.. MORE of the funk and MORE of his voice. It wasn't fair on my ears, it was just a very good arrangement of a new style. It's a relief to prove to myself that I'm not blinded by my own biases regardless how much I love them (*^^*); I too, was worried I'd be a hyped up groupie/fangirl over JUST Saga's recitative.

I also want to apologise for the lack of decent posts. I hope I still have your support and that you still visit every now and then. I've been rather busy with preparing manuscripts to send to publishing companies for review and hopefully, for publishing (*^^*) So, すみません m(_ _)m.
Do write in with your comments and suggestions, and requests! I will be updating more personal posts hopefully in the near future, and of course my critique of this album.
On that note...

So here, are some photos of my CD below. Nothing surprising of course, since everyone's received theirs before me most likely *^^* hehe but I still wanted to post it.

本当に良かったですよね〜 に、あたしの沙我様CD。


  1. omedetou !!!!!!
    it's Saga sama ^.^
    i don't have it, but my friend ordered it so, we're waiting 4 it now

  2. btw, who is your fav member?
    is he Saga? :D
    ( i think so because of the photos at the right side)

    1. Thank you so much for your comments. It's always a pleasure to hear from people *^^* especially from someone I recognise and they keep visiting! Otherwise it's a bit like talking to a brick wall hehe.
      ありがとうございますね~ !
      Yes he's my favourite no matter how much I try to deny it or force myself to someone else. Tora is a very close second *^.~*
      How about you?

  3. hehe, i don't know
    let's see, when i hear a9's song -mp3 or live, i really like shou >"<
    when i watch PV, scans, i'm crazy bcuz of Tora, Saga
    and sometime in Niconico, when Ponchan or Nao become so cute, i can't do anything but scream "kyaaaaa"
    can i have ur yahoo or skype ID, if y don't mind, i really wanna be friend with y

    1. Ah I see! *^^* I know what you mean.
      I don't have Yahoo... and I don't really use Skype much >.< I could add you on FB? ^^


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